Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Fresh Air- Social Awareness

Hello Friends coming into blog field after a long time, nevertheless coming to the topic as time is running away. Why I am saying that, these days lot of news coming about Air Pollution, this is very Important issue and every people need to come forward that whether they want to breathe fresh air or get affected by it, "its upto you only". When any crime happens(Rape/Murder) every comes  on the road, then why not same support regarding "air pollution which can make you very ill". Recently an article printed in The Hindu tells that nearly "6,20,000 premature deaths" happens. The air people breathe in many cities are very Harmful. Major contributions to Air pollution are motorisation, coal burning, Industry work and other construction works.
I am not saying that these activities should be stopped, but there can be alternative ways or can be reduced.
Global Warming is also affect of Air Pollution. Of Season rains are causing huge damage to agricultural crops, due to which prices will rise.
Crackers that we burn causes lots of pollution, when we wake up next morning we breathe the same polluted air.
1) Using public transports and reducing own vehicles especially on office days, as lots of private vehicles(cars) are increasing at an alarming rate. Else use Green vehicles or bicycles for short distances else the pollution you are creating will make you only ill.
2) To reduce coal burning for production of electricity, start using Solar roof tops, especially those who have the money should start using it.
For Industries it is the challenge to keep the balance between Progress and Pollution.

Contribute as much as you can it will be helpful for you only in the future.   

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